The hips are a significant player in the weight-bearing structure of the body and the transfer of power and muscle force from your lower body to your upper body. As such, it is important to keep the joints strong and flexible to prevent future injury.
When hip injuries do occur, we are here to help! The primary objective of physical therapy is to reduce pain by improving mobility and restoring muscle balance gradually.
There are multiple causes of hip pain that may come from the ankle, knee, back, and of course the hip. A proper physical therapy evaluation can determine the best course of action.
Commonly treated conditions
- Hip osteoarthritis
- Hamstring strains
- Iliotibial band syndrome
- Hip bursitis
- Gluteus strains
- Piriformis syndrome
- Hip tendinopathies and other muscle strains
- Muscle imbalances
- Labral tears
- FAI (femoral acetabular impingement)
- Total hip arthroplasty
- Hip and pelvic fractures after appropriate healing
- Hip dislocation
- Nerve entrapment
- Leg length discrepancies
- Gait abnormalities
- Hip/total joint replacement
Common treatments
- Control pain/inflammation and promote healing
- Develop support or muscle control of the hip
- Hip joint mobilizations to help with pain and joints that are not moving well
- Strengthening and stretching
The bottom line
Depending on the cause of your pain, the length of time you’ve been dealing with it, and other health-related factors, Elevate Physical Therapy can help you decrease your hip pain in as little as three weeks, with the biggest improvements coming after that.
Don’t delay, let us help you get your hip pain under control.