We now have an online telehealth platform called doxy.me. This telehealth tool will allow you to access your physical therapist and receive care in the event you aren’t able to quickly and easily come to the clinic!
Multiple ways to serve you
- Screening
- Follow-up appointments
- Wellness check-ins
- Exercise progressions
- Initial evaluations
- Treatments
Where quality meets convenience
We believe this will bring significant value to you as an option to enhance your experience at Elevate Physical Therapy Fitness and Performance. You will still receive the same impeccable quality of care but it will be from the comfort and convenience of your home or office.
All that is needed on your part is to let us know you’d like to use the service and away we go! We’ll provide a web address at the time we set up your appointment. There are no extra fees to use this platform and the apps are free. You can use it on Mac, PC, and every type of tablet and smartphone.
Safe and secure
Our telehealth model is fully HIPAA-compliant, like all electronic medical records in hospitals, which means your health information, personal information, and data are completely secure.
The bottom line
We are thrilled to expand our reach as practitioners and to deliver more care to a wider audience. There are so many people who don’t live near a health center or are suffering too much to travel to one, or may be too busy to attend during our operating hours. If this sounds like you, welcome to the next era of patient care. We look forward to partnering with you in your healing and recovery.
To get started with telehealth today, contact us here or call the office at 541-236-2123.